When I was in elementary school we had Storybook Weaver, Math Blaster and MS Paint. When I got to middle school, there were video announcements and a computer class where we learned to word process and create PowerPoint-type presentations. In high school there were classes for video news, website design, and our assignments frequently required internet research. I graduated before the social media boom when bloggers were mostly conspiracy theorists and tabloid reporters.
Kids are learning technology earlier and earlier! |
I have used most of the technology the students featured in their portraits at one time or another. I have never used it to the extent these students are, though. They are really going above and beyond because they love creating! I love seeing the passion these kids display when they talk about their projects, and they are really doing some impressive things.
I had visions of using technology in my lessons to keep the students focused and interested, but I hadn't really considered letting them be the ones creating with technology. There are a lot of educational apps out there for computers and mobile devices, but why not let them design apps and websites? Why not let them record a song inspired by a book in Garage Band rather than write a book report? There are so many ways to let the students express themselves through creative technology that I hadn't thought of.

I am excited to see that the widespread use of these technologies has led to cross-platform compatibility that we didn't have before. When I was in high school, I used a computer program to compose/record a song for a project. I had a floppy disk with the recording and printed out the sheet music to turn in. When my teacher went to listen to the song, she couldn't open the file because the school didn't have the same software that I used at home. Now there is a lot more standardization of file types so that media players can read all types of files, and media creating programs can save in multiple formats. Now when a student decides to use technology, they can just bring their flash drive to school and use the smart board to present their project to the whole class!
References (in order of appearance):
Edutopia.org Dive into the Future of Learning
Baby photo courtesy of John Robertson
Edutopia.org Youth Portraits
School supplies photo from NBCPhiladelphia.com
I first off just want to say I really enjoyed the way you started your blog! I simply just answered the questions and titled it the assignment title. This was very creative. I also liked that you involved pictures. I didn't even think about doing this, why I don't know, but this is definitely something I am going to do next time because I feel that it makes it look more like an actual blog. Well done!
ReplyDeleteI am very impressed by all the different types of technology thou use on a daily basis. I have never even heard of the Adobe Creative Suite and I know what iCloud is, but I do not know how to use it. I also wrote about using technology in my classroom to keep the students focused and interested. I think it is very important to incorporate technology into teaching. I, like you, had never thought about letting the students be the ones who are creating the apps and such that they use. I think this would be a create way to incorporate technology into the classroom. This is something I would like to try with my future students.
I was very impressed with your blog. A lot of the things you mentioned I have never heard of, and that could be part of the problem in our school systems in the next few years, most of the teachers are at the age they have never heard of them also. I know the public schools in my area only have one computer room, and there are no computers or technology used in the classrooms. The school system can barely pay there monthly bills, so I doubt that they are going to spend millions of dollars on technology. That probably means the students coming out of the schools that could not afford the technology will be behind when entering the job market. Could the cost of technology in our school systems create more private schools? I do believe technology is great in our school systems, but it concerns me that we could be developing a economic divide among the next generation between the ones that attended technology schools and the ones that did not.
ReplyDeleteI think that allowing the students to be the ones using technology and creating things by themselves is a great idea. I think we should give students every opportunity to explore their interests and really find out who they are as a person and technology has given us so many new ways to do so.